Opening hours

Open for larger groups

Bookings and inquiries:




044 4915541 (weekdays 10-17)


65100 Vaasa

Enjoy a delicious lunch or evening menu at Villa Sandviken or hold parties and meetings in an atmospheric setting!

Conference package

We can provide you a successful meeting with a delicious lunch!
Villa Sandviken's comfortable cabinets can be booked for different kind of meetings and events. The cabins hold 4-20 people and each cabinet has a screen, wifi and HDMI capability. The packages are priced according to the number of people:

40 € / hlö (sis. oma kabinetti ja lounas)
50 € / hlö (sis. oma kabinetti, lounas sekä kahvitarjoilu kabinettiin)


Linkin alla näette seuraavan tapahtuman. Lämpimästi tervetuloa

Villa Sandviken

Unique experiences since 1846

Villa Sandviken, a beautiful Vaasa venue, oozes of atmosphere, charming history and fascinating flavours. At Villa the old blends in with the new – on your plate you will find a mix of traditional cooking methods with a hint of modern spices. Come and enjoy everything that Villa has to offer, from excellent service that will make you feel at home and cater to your needs, to inspiring history that makes Villa stand out and contribute to a unique dining experience.The history of Villa is our muse, and the food is our passion.

Herkullisen näköistä kalaruokaa ja valkoviiniä.

Rina Hirviniemi

The entrepreneur and toastmaster

Rina is originally from Helsinki but she moved to Vaasa From Oulu in the beginning of 2020 where she worked as a café, restaurant and catering entrepreneur. She is educated within the hospitality industry as well as being a sommelier and has since early 2000 worked at high end restaurants in Helsinki. With some 500 catered weddings and other events under her belt, she has more than earnt herself the title of toastmaster!

Ask for more information about our party planning!

At Villa Sandviken we host everything from unforgettable parties to weddings, as well asother events such as meetings and Christmas celebrations! The facilities and services of Villa Sandviken are ideal for hosting for example weddings. Our large hall, delicious food and excellent services make wedding planning effortless and the party itself memorable. We also have a basement with a wine cellar where wine tasting events, Christmas parties, barbecues and other larger events are held. Please contact us for any enquiries or wishes regarding any future events!

The Villa Cabinets

Atmospheric spaces for private events and meetings

The meeting rooms situated on the second floor of Villa Sandviken offer inspiring events and meetings in a historic environment. Let the beautiful surroundings of Hietalahti Park get you in a party mood or use your surroundings as a muse to let your ideas flow. The four meeting rooms at Villa are all designed with a classic style while having all the latest technology for meetings available. Below we have a short description of each room.

Villa Sandvikenin Pavlova kabinetti.

What they say about us:

”Valitsimme Villa Sandvikenin Fintosin 15-vuotisjuhlien viettopaikaksi sen ainutlaatuisen kauniiden puitteiden vuoksi. Juhlat sujuivat alusta loppuun asti niin kuin olimme suunnitelleet. Palvelu pelasi ja ruoka oli maistuvaa! Kiitos Rina ja henkilökunta, iltamme oli ikimuistoinen!”




”Tack Villa Sandviken för en härlig konferensdag hos er. Planeringen av dagen med er, konferensrummet, maten och värdskapet var i världsklass.

Vi kunde fokusera helt på vår kund och dagen blev perfekt”.

Lars Losvik ledarskapsexpert

Kommunikationsbyrån Losvik & Flen

Jag och vi alla som var med, vill gärna skicka Dig STORT TACK för vårt lyckade kalas vi hade möjlighet att ha på Villa Sandviken i lördags❣️

Du har varit toppen med planeringen och hjälpen, buffen var jättetrevlig och allt smakade bra, tårtorna var jättegoda och servispersonalen var mycket trevlig… lämnade Villan med bästa eftersmak, och Mamma ’90’ njöt av allt.

Så härligt att Vasa har ett fint ställe att träffas på…….⭐️- vi är många som kan sprida ryktet….. 😊

Bästa tack till Dig och er alla!


Jag vill bara säga stort tack till alla er på Villa Sandviken som gjorde vår dag möjlig i lördags! ❤️ Så vackert ställe, god mat och dryck och fin personal som tog hand om oss från början till slut.

Ni är guld värda!

Lyckligt brudpar